Let me start off wishing all Mother's a very happy and delightful Mother's Day! I hope all of you are able to spend time with your Mom on her special day. My Mom died on her birthday in 2021. I had made a Mother's Day greeting card specially designed just for her just as I did for many years. Sadly she never was able to open it.
It is not too late to purchase a card specially made for your Mom. If you want I can mail it from here with your special message inside. I know my greeting cards are well received by those who have either bought or those I have mailed on behalf of my customers. I produce high quality cards with a unique design. I get a lot of messages about the quality of my work. No two of mine are exactly alike since they are hand crafted. Rest assure the overall design is the same.
The greeting cards I make are 5" x 7". This is another way you can honor your Mom because my cards can be framed making them a very unique gift. I have received a lot of compliments thanking me for making them so they will fit inside a frame. One of my repeat customers has framed all of hers and has them mounted on the wall for her home. They are a great conversation piece.
Below are a few available for purchase. There are different designs in several different colors. Also I do make custom greeting cards or other products such as wall decor. I have a a link to examples of custom cards I have made. I know if my Mom was still alive she would love any of any of these.
To all of the Mother's I wish for you a wonderful day.