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New Greeting Cards Coming

Writer's picture: Snowy OwlSnowy Owl

I have been working on new card designs. Very exciting to me. These new designs are of parrots. I have made a quint Cockatoo greeting card. A white Cockatoo greeting card. I say white yet the parrot is actually an Umbrella Cockatoo. I have also made a greeting card with a Cockatiel and a Parakeet sitting on a branch together. They are so cute. These greeting cards have over 20 pieces each. They take many hours to make. There are pieces so small I have to use tweezers to get them attached in the proper place. Those who know me understand I have a little self doubt at times. Okay, a lot of self doubt and confidence at times. However, I know my products are of the best quality I can make. I am proud of myself for coming this far. I encourage anyone who has even the slightest bit of doubt about themselves to go for it. Yes, you might fail. Chances are you won't. Best wishes to everyone. Have the very best day you possibly can!

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